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Will this epidemic end in 2023??

Will this epidemic end in 2023??

We can hope that 2023 will be different and will bring light to the end of this tunnel.  

But will it be? 2023 will end this disease, the answer depends on many factors. Of course, China is at the top of the list.  

The city where the virus originated from Wuhan is exploding again. And again, Beijing is hiding the outbreak. The photos and videos coming out of China are amazing. What’s next for the Wuhan virus depends on what happens in China.  

Experts say that 1-2 million people (about the population of Nebraska) may die from the Wuhan virus in China by the end of 2023. Why is it important that China has made a big change in its free COVID policy and Chinese President Xi Jinping has opened the door to China? He encouraged travel from January. People will not exclude themselves when they arrive in China.   

Two flights from China arrived in Milan, half of the passengers were infected, the carriers of the Chinese COVID can cause new infections and make us end the disease. So, if we want to stop epidemics; We must stop flights from China and the spread of disease.  

This is the reason that as long as the virus exists, it will continue to change, and mutations will lead to new forms. Some can spread quickly, others can be more deadly, and our vaccines may not be effective against all strains. As the virus spreads, it can be even harder to stop. So, what we really want when we talk about stopping this disease is vaccination, only vaccination can help contain the virus.  

And what is the current state of vaccination, you ask? Great! If you look at rich countries that are worried about exporting while countries like Qatar and the United Arab Emirates are up to 100% vaccination you have people like Burundi Haiti Yemen who are 5% of the population has not yet been vaccinated. now brings us back to the question of whether the disease will end in 2023.  

The answer is if we stop flights from China, vaccinate our population and prevent the spread of new strains.  

After the outbreak of the Wuhan virus and gave the world an epidemic. China fooled the world with fake vaccines made in China.   

How did the city infect the world with a deadly virus? This is a country that made fun of public health. This is a country that shut down its people with a draconian COVID 0 policy. This is a country that lost its credibility when businessmen destroyed its own economy and even started setting up illegal police stations abroad.  

A recent Satellite image flatten down China’s Covid cover up…

There is nothing surprising about China’s xi jinxing and now China has supported Pfizer’s campaign. Wuhan virus, Pfizer covid drug, not Chinese vaccine. And China took the world. 

Xi Jinxing’s medicine was more of Hype than medicine…  

China gave the world the coronavirus and cheated us with fake vaccines, the answer seems to be yes. Even if Beijing doesn’t agree, China often says its vaccine among the first to be used is the answer to Beijing’s deadly virus.  

Transport his vaccine around the world and use vaccine diplomacy in countries that can’t afford medicine. He admits now his jabs don’t work you know there are cheap Chinese jokes [“Ye Chinese Maal Hai, jyada nahi chalega”] we say if something is done in China, it may not work.  

Life-saving vaccines were expected to be exempt, but a new name from China tells a different story. This is what I mean about China approves the sale of Pfizer’s Wuhan virus, what is it? The big thing is that China has finally admitted that it needs foreign COVID-19 drugs. 

Why is it that if the virus has returned to dangerous levels in China, the vaccine has not worked? China knows they are empty, they are worthless, 1.4 billion Chinese people are now in danger. So, the country needs medicine that works because Chinese President Xi Jinping can no longer keep people locked up, while doctors fire guns that don’t work.  

Therefore, China was forced to buy an anti-covid vaccine, people in China can buy this drug online, the drug was sold out for only one hour. Look at what people have accumulated; can you blame them? You see they didn’t add their home-made antidote.  

The Chinese are not the only ones who have been manipulated by Xi Jinping, Communist China has sent bad vaccines to other countries. About 1.8 billion have been sold to date. 328 million were given and Cambodia received 0.3 million Chinese vaccines as recently as December 14. What will happen to those jabs now claiming to help? Reports show that Chinese vaccines such as Sinovac are only 61% effective against death and 55% against hospitalization.  

You see, there is a major problem with the Chinese vaccines, these vaccines are made from an inactive, killed SARS-COV2 virus. It doesn’t work well, and China has always known that.  

Have you heard what happened in Nicaragua, the country was told that if it wanted Chinese vaccines, it should cut ties with Taiwan? It was a tough call; Nicaragua had no choice and soon Air China arrived with the first 200,000 vaccines.  

A similar offer has also been made in Paraguay, but they refuse to accept this type of health waiver. In 2020, Chinese President Xi Jinping told the World Health Assembly that Chinese jabs were a global public good, he lied. Countries like Bangladesh quickly realized that Xi’s vaccine was better than medicine. Indonesia became the biggest recipient of China’s jabs, followed by Brazil, even among its allies. Of course, many have used vaccines from other sources to supplement this. Hiding an epidemic is very serious. China has done it by using the epidemic caused by this epidemic, it must be a crime.  

Health workers in Indonesia have died even after receiving the Chinese vaccine, jobs must be cut and replaced by AstraZeneca. In Hong Kong, too, Chinese vaccines have proven ineffective. What explains the current lack of vaccine resistance in China?  

Why do you think China is not developing, if not why do you think. China is building new hospitals at a lightning speed, again why do you think COVID continues to rage in China when it has calmed down in most of the world, it can still affect people and -back on the road, travel and restoration work. Will we see China take over the world again? There is a positive difference, you see, the world is now cautious, and Beijing is sinking into a disaster of its own making.  

 From Newz Quest 

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