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What is Situational leadership

What is Situational leadership


Situational leadership is a way of life that suggests that the best way of life is the one that fits the current situation. According to this theory, leaders should adjust their leadership style based on the level of development or readiness of their followers. Situational leadership theory proposes four different leadership styles:

  • Instructions: This type is used when followers are new to the job and have no experience or knowledge. The leader gives clear instructions and takes care of the followers.
  • Coaching: This style is used when followers have experience or knowledge but still need guidance. A leader provides feedback and support to help followers improve their skills.
  • Support: This type is used when the followers are competent and can complete the task independently. A leader provides support and resources to help followers succeed.
  • Delegate: This style is used when followers are highly skilled and able to complete a task independently. The leader empowers followers to make decisions and take ownership of their work.

Situational leadership theory suggests that a leader should consider the level of development or readiness of his followers and adjust his leadership style. By adapting their approach to the situation, leaders can increase the effectiveness of their leadership and the performance of their followers. It is important to note that different people and groups may have different levels of development and readiness, and effective leaders are able to monitor their followers and change their leadership style accordingly.

@Aditya : Newz Quest

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