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What is different Type of leadership?

What is different Type of leadership?

There are many different types of leadership styles, each with its own strengths and weaknesses. Some common types of leadership include: Read more at:

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Autocratic leadership: A leadership style in which the leader makes all the decisions and gives orders without input from others. This style is best suited for situations where quick decisions are needed, but it can lead to low morale and lack of motivation among team members.

Transformational leadership: A leadership style in which the leader inspires and motivates followers to achieve a shared vision or goal. This style is effective in creating a positive and productive work environment, but it can also be less effective in crisis situations that require quick decisions.

Laissez-faire leadership: A leadership style in which the leader provides little or no direction and allows followers to make their own decisions. This style can lead to high levels of creativity and autonomy, but it can also lead to confusion and lack of direction.

Servant leadership: A leadership style in which the leader serves the needs of the team or organization and puts the needs of others before their own. This style creates a supportive and empowering work environment, but it can lead to the leader neglecting their own needs.

Democratic leadership: A leadership style in which the leader makes decisions in collaboration with the team. It is best suited for situations where input from different perspectives is needed and can lead to higher job satisfaction, but it can also lead to slower decision-making.

Charismatic leadership: A leadership style in which the leader has a strong personality and presence, and is able to inspire and motivate followers through their vision and enthusiasm. This style can be effective in rallying support and creating a sense of community, but it can also lead to blind loyalty and lack of critical thinking.

It’s important to note that different situations may call for different leadership styles. Effective leaders are able to adapt their style to the situation and the people they are leading.

@aditya : Newz Quest

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