Home Technology Twitter Outage: Twitter app, website back online after brief outage. Both the Twitter app and website briefly went down for users at about 11pm

Twitter Outage: Twitter app, website back online after brief outage. Both the Twitter app and website briefly went down for users at about 11pm


Twitter seemed to have momentarily gone down for some clients across the world recently. The site DownDetector showed a blackout for Twitter, and recommended that clients had been confronting issues with both the Twitter application and site.

The administrations are currently purportedly back up for some on both the site and the application. Twitter posted a tweet refering to the issue to be a ‘specialized bug’ that was keeping courses of events from stacking and Tweets from posting. Look at the tweet underneath.

According to DownDetector, various urban communities in India revealed a total Twitter blackout at around 11pm on February 11. This included Mumbai, Delhi, Lucknow, Kolkata, Jaipur, Hyderabad and Chennai, among different urban areas.

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