Home Entertainment Wish Kashi or Haridwar could’ve come as rescue n refuse for Chester Bennington

Wish Kashi or Haridwar could’ve come as rescue n refuse for Chester Bennington

Wish Kashi or Haridwar could’ve come as rescue n refuse for Chester Bennington

When it’s comes to “Sanatana Dharma” Bhartiya Sanskriti there is one or another way out for any and every situation you come across in your lives!

Chester Bennington, the poster singer of Linkin Park, committed suicide at the age of 41.

Chester Charles Bennington (March 20, 1976 – July 20, 2017) was an American singer who served as the lead vocalist of rock band Linkin Park. He was also a lead vocalist of Grey Daze, Dead by Sunrise and Stone Temple Pilots at various points

That is, the person who gave the idea of change in the world by showing revolution in his music himself ended his life drowning in the darkness of despair.

Once again the splendor and materialism of the West lay bare with the suicide of Bennington. At a very young age, Chester Bennington achieved every milestone of success, which is nothing less than a dream for a person, but even then, what was the emptiness that left him so lonely that he was left with no other option but to commit suicide.

This is the only situation where even after millions of criticisms, our Hindu and Indian culture proves its worth. Much of the discussion of Indian culture preaches to balance one’s limits in the ocean of materialism. On the one hand, in the cultures of other countries in the world, after collecting all the splendor, people either become despotic or become disheartened, on the other hand, the thought tradition of Indian culture has given us such a legacy, where after reaching the peak of power, people surrender materiality to God. The best example of this is Sri Padmanabha Temple of Kerala, where the king considered Lord Vishnu as the king of his entire kingdom and gave himself the title of Padmanabha Das.

Sanatan tradition is inspired by foreignness. In spite of everything, the system of not accepting him as your own has been set long ago. The first verse of Ishopanishad says that

ईश्वरास्यामिदं सर्वं यत्किञ्च जगत्यम् जगत्।
दश त्यक्तेन् भुञ्जित मा गृध: कास्यस्विधानम्।

Our physicality is only ten tyakten bhunjitha wali means to consume the things of this earth with abandoned spirit. This is the reason why the influence of materialism is less in our culture. Still deeply saddened by the passing of this Linkin Park superstar.

I wish Bennington could come to India and become a part of the tradition of Varanasi and Haridwar and contribute more in the protection of humanity.

@Aditya Newz Quest

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