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Chanakya’s Relevance in age of corporate Management’s

Chanakya’s Relevance in age of corporate Management’s

Let us know who Chanakya was and what Chanakya’s ideas are useful in today’s world.

Our motherland India has a significant role and heritage. Our sages were not ordinary people; they had studied and mastered all of the world’s sciences. We only need to look back to our glorious past to solve all of our current problems.

Since 1950, management has been recognised as one of these sciences. Peter Drucker is regarded as one of the founding fathers of modern management. But didn’t management exist in India prior to the 1950s and Durker’s era? We have been around for over 5000 years as a nation. Were there management scientists in our country prior to the twentieth century? It would be unjust to say this.

By the way, if you study the best management strategy arguments from your ancient Indian scriptures such as the Ramayana Mahabharata and the Anyana Upanishads, you will discover that management has existed in our country for centuries.

We Indians only see our country’s flaws and fail to appreciate its strengths. As a country, we have faced many challenges and also achieved great success. Of course, our country is still considered a developing economy, but we can never be called a failure. For thousands of years, our country has been at the pinnacle of success. Can you count on one hand the number of countries that have been the owners of such heritage?

When you come across the kingmaker of the past, i.e. Chanakya i.e. Kautilya’s Arthashastra, one of his books expounding his views for the first time and try to understand it by reading it, you feel that it is beyond your comprehension. Is. They now believe that the author has overcomplicated everything.

In India, we regard scriptures as mirrors that limit us, so if you are unable to understand economics, don’t blame the mirror; as your age increases and you gain life experience, you will understand this book very well as well.

You might be surprised to learn that the direct principles of modern management science were discovered in economics thousands of years ago.

Chanakya is useful for people who want to be successful at work by applying management principles.

Chanakya, who was born in India in the fourth century BC, was also known as Vishnugupta and Kautilya. Scholars have described Chanakya as a rare genius who achieved mastery in a wide range of fields, including management, economics, politics, law, leadership, governance, warfare, military tactics, accountancy, and many others. Chanakya himself divided the 6000 sutras into 5 books, 180 chapters, and 180 titles.

Chanakya was personally responsible for destroying the Nanda dynasty and installing his worthy disciple Chandragupta Maurya as ruler. That is why he is referred to as the kingmaker. The intelligence of Chanakya was the reason for the defeat of Alexander, who had set out to conquer the world in India.

As a political thinker, he was the first person in human history to imagine the nature of the nation. During his time, India was divided into many states; he united all of them under one central rule and gave birth to Aryavarta, which later became known as India. In his book Kautilya’s Arthashastra and Chanakyaniti, he documented his life’s work.

For centuries, world rulers have used economics to build a nation with a strong economy based on spiritual values. The literal meaning of economics is the science of money, but it encompasses all knowledge of the world. This is monetary knowledge and knowledge wealth. @parashar

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