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A sustainability checklists:

Checklist: Leading a Sustainable Lifestyle?

Recent, pandemic waves of Covid 19 have forced many of us to introspect and review our way of life. Over these past decades, humankind has had an unchecked interest in exploiting the environment for as long as possible. When this has happened, we’ve forgotten to look back and see the imprints which we had been leaving behind – it’s called footprinting. We forgot that co-existence is important. These last few months have felt like a door has opened up not just for us but the whole world: people are looking at their lifestyle choices and deciding to cut out the excesses so we can live sustainably.

A culture of sustainability is important because it can help people to make positive changes in their lifestyles and practices, such as reducing consumption, recycling, composting, and using renewable energy.


Sustainability is key for the present and future of our world.

It may not seem like much, but your day-to-day life decisions can have a huge impact on our planet and the environment. That’s why committed individual are looking for ways to live more sustainably, with issues of ecology and recycling being at the forefront of conscience. Check out this “list” to get started on making small changes in your day-to-day life to make a big difference in the long term.

  • Recycling and upcycling – This is the first goal in almost every sustainable living guide and is an excellent way to check on your expenditure. It could include recycling delivery packaging, old utensils and clothes too. Spring cleaning your wardrobe may give you more options to choose from, for your experiments. The ones that don’t make the cut, can be turned into storage bags and more.
  • Reducing water consumption – Saving water is one of the main priorities for a sustainable lifestyle. Working from home may lead to more consumption of water during the day, for various household chores. So using water in an efficient manner is a must.
  • Gardening at home – Gardening at home has gone on to include mixing organic waste into the soil, growing vegetables at home, using green-only fertilizers and much more. Online courses on different kinds of gardening with basic resources are gaining popularity during the lockdown.
  • Sustainable alternatives to sanitary napkins – The use of non-biodegradable sanitary napkins and tampons generates a lot of waste. Environmentally-friendly alternatives include cloth pads or a menstrual cup.
  • Buying local – Buying local produce in an acceptable amount at a suitable time, with the right precautionary measures, is the ideal way forward. Ordering online is an easy option, but raises a lot of questions with regards to safety and also generates packaging waste.
  • Reducing energy consumption – Working from home also means an increase in the amount of energy each house consumes. So, ensure gadgets, appliances and other electrical equipment are used only when needed. Switching electronics off when not in use, is more important now than ever.

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@aditya : NewzQuest

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